Our rules of order

Welcome to our campsite!

As a member of Sweden’s industry organization SCR for camping, we apply the same rules of order.

The following rules are for your comfort and that of the other guests. We hope these will ensure that you have a pleasant stay at our campsite.

Rules of order - Hultsfred Strandcamping

Rules of order

  1. Register at the reception immediately upon arrival. Groups are reported by the group leader. Notify directly when registering if you have an extra tent, boat, etc. with you.
  2. Temporary visitors are asked to park their vehicle in a parking space outside the area or in a designated place within the area. The campsite has the right to charge a fee from temporary visitors. See separate price list.
  3. The campsite staff is responsible for peace and order, and helps if problems arise.
  4. All tent equipment of normal type and size may be used. However, it is not permitted to set up so-called tent houses of a permanent nature. Caravans must be registered for use with a motorized vehicle.
  5. Own fixed devices for tents or caravans, such as fences and protective ramps, are not permitted. Ask if you are in doubt about what you have the right to do. Make sure that LPG and electrical equipment are tested and approved according to current regulations.
  6. Do not disturb the tranquility of the campsite with a motorized vehicle more than absolutely necessary. Drive at walking speed and as short distances as possible.
  7. A general rule at campsites is to show consideration. Disruptive behavior is not permitted. Between 23.00 and 07.00 the campsite must be quiet.
  8. Help the children find places suitable for play and ball games. In most places, special playgrounds and ball fields have been prepared. Throwing or kicking a ball among the tents and caravans is not allowed.
  1. Dog owners are asked to show the greatest possible consideration towards other guests. Keep the dog on a short leash and let the dog litter in a designated place or outside the area.
  2. Sales at and within the campsite may only take place with permission from the person in charge at the campsite.
  3. Help keep the campsite clean and litter-free. Use the bins available in the area. Remember to never throw glowing barbecue coals or other flammable objects into the garbage can.
  4. Leave the common areas (toilets, wash and shower rooms, kitchen and dishes, etc.) in the same condition as you would like to find them.
  5. Car washing may only take place at the designated location.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed with the reception, the camping site must be vacated and cleaned before noon on the day of departure. This with regard to new guests. Please give notice of the departure date in good time, especially during high season.
  7. The campsite and its staff are not responsible for damage to or loss of the camping guests’ belongings. Anyone who damages buildings, materials or guests’ belongings can be made liable for compensation.
  8. We assume that all camping guests take each other into account and help to keep order. The staff has an obligation to act in cases where a guest does not respect these rules of order.
  9. Be careful about nature – it needs your protection.

SCR Swedish Camping

This campsite is a member of the industry organization SCR Swedish Camping and follows the industry’s common ethical rules. They follow the watchwords of honesty and consideration for guests and employees as well as respect for society’s rules of the game.

SCR Swedish Camping

Aerial photo Hultsfred Strandcamping